It was first time when I saw a new Yaesu equipment on Burzenin HAM member meeting. We had test repeater at a site so we use Wires-X
With dedicated touch screen TRX called Tulipan - very impressive.
Here we can see unusual antenna with shape reminding us something like satellite antenna (dish). In fact it is 3-band antenna.
It is 3 loop antenna based on magnetic loop antenna invented by Nikola Tesla as part of invention that he called a “teleautomaton”.
Each of loop have one of this capacitor working up to 3kV.
Here we have a radio called KaFeLek
A little rice? Or oriental chicken in many flavours? Of course why not.
It is very simple and easy to use independent repeater controller which target is to use with PMR radios.
In Burzenin we had a little the ham exchange.
... and we can meet famous people like a walking D-STAR legend :)
Excuse me Mr. Officer have you any communication device?